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Click to view or download (Word 2003) 2009 Photo Competition Entry Form

The 2009 Penterry Photography Competition

"The Living Landscape"

In 2008 the Penterry Church Committee ran a photography competition which culminated in a hugely successful exhibition in St. Arvans Memorial Hall, and raised much-needed funds through sales of calendars, prints and notelets and generous donations from visitors and sponsors.

This year, by popular demand, we held the 2009 Penterry Photography Competition with the theme of "The Living Landscape". Entrants were encouraged to interpret this brief widely - entries may focus on the landscape itself, on wildlife or on people in the landscape - but all photographs must have been taken within 5 miles of Penterry Church within the last year.

Entries were judged by a distinguished panel comprising David Broome CBE of showjumping fame, Nikki Moore, professional artist and press officer for the Wye Valley AONB, and Sheryl Long, professional photographer from the Abbey House Studios, Tintern. There were two classes - 16 and over, and under 16. In addition, all those attending the exhibition and awards ceremony at the Memorial Hall, St. Arvans on Saturday 5th September (2pm-5pm) had the chance to vote for the "People's Choice" prize (voting stickers could be purchased at 10p each on the day).

The competition winners were as follows:

Over 16's

  1. A Technika SR08 8" digital photo frame - David Palmer (Ruins of St. Mary's Church, Tintern above the misty Wye valley)
  2. A Tintern hospitality package comprising: A meal voucher from the Moon and Sixpence; A bottle of wine from the Wye Valley Hotel; Beers from Kingstone Brewery; A free tour of Parva Farm Vineyard - Bob Osborne (Misty morning at Penterry)
  3. A £10 voucher donated by Chepstow Garden Centre - Suzanne Snowden (Riverbank scene with two people)

Under 16's

  1. £30 cash donated by Marie Dark, Solicitor AND a copy of the beautiful book "Yew, A History" by Fred Hageneder, donated by Gwent Wildlife Trust - Thomas Shaw (Waterfalls)
  2. £25 cash donated by Tintern Garage - Emmanuel Kempton (Two boys at Penterry Church)
  3. £10 book token donated by Chepstow Bookshop - Oliver Shaw (Water flowing near old ironworks)

The People's Choice

       A hardwood bowl turned by local craftsman Charles Smith - Thomas Shaw (Waddling duck)

We would like to thank all those who have kindly donated prizes.

Congratulations to our winners and thanks to all of the entrants for their excellent quality!

Chris Balmer
Competition Secretary