Welcome to Penterry Online - 12th February 2025
No news at present.


St Mary's Church, Penterry falls within the community of St. Arvans:

St. Arvans Church - www.starvanschurch.org.uk

St. Arvans Memorial Hall - www.starvans.freeuk.com

St. Arvans Meeting Rooms - www.starvansmeetingrooms.org.uk

St. Arvans Community Council - for information about community events - www.starvanscouncil.co.uk


We are grateful to the following public bodies for their support, both financial and practical:

Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - www.wyevalleyaonb.org.uk

Gwent Wildlife Trust - www.gwentwildlife.org

Adventa - www.adventa.org.uk

Monmouthshire Rural Community Action - www.monmouthshire-rca.org.uk

Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations - www.gavowales.org.uk


These local businesses have generously sponsored the 2010 Penterry Calendar:

Alphalogix - www.alphalogix.co.uk

Classic Fires & Bathrooms - 01291 62154501291 621545 

Crown Hill Nursery - www.crownhillnursery.co.uk

Fairfield Mabey - www.fairfieldmabey.com

Herbert Lewis - www.herbertlewis.com

Additions Accountancy Services - 01291 42484201291 424842 

Parva Cars - www.parvaprestigecars.co.uk

Ride & Stride - 01291 62707201291 627072 

Tintern Plumbing & Heating

This web site was designed and built using clever software from:

designtoo - www.designtoo.com

The development of this website was made possible by a grant from the Sustainable Development Fund, a Welsh Assembly Government initiative in the Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

Welsh Assembly GovernmentWye Valley AONB