Welcome to Penterry Online - 12th February 2025
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Carols at Penterry

For the last eighteen years there has been a carol service at 4:30 pm on Christmas eve at Penterry Church. It has become a much-loved part of our calendar and a chance to welcome friends and newcomers to Penterry. Sadly, it has become a victim of its own success, growing in popularity year after year to the extent that last year the church was dangerously full.

According to records, Penterry Church was designed to accommodate “70 souls”, but last year there were some 120 people inside and it was basically unsafe.

Whilst it has always been the desire of the committee that as many as possible who attend can go into the church for the service, we have reluctantly decided that this year we are going to have to limit the numbers inside. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, so that people can get out quickly in case of emergency and secondly to ensure that the carol service can be enjoyed by those inside.

The service is free and will remain so but access to the church will be by ticket only. These tickets do not guarantee a seat, but they do guarantee access to the church.

If you wish to attend the service on 24th December 2018, please email info@penterry.org.uk stating your name, address and the number of tickets you require (alternatively telephone Chris Balmer on 01291 689661), as soon as possible and no later than 15th November. We will notify you whether your application has been successful.

In the event that ticket applications exceed the capacity of the church, priority will be given to regular supporters and attendees of Penterry Church, then by geographic proximity to the church.

We understand that Christmas plans can change at the last minute, if you apply for tickets and subsequently do not wish to use them, please return them so they can be re allocated.

The Committee very much hope you understand and respect the need to limit the numbers inside the church. In the event of you applying for tickets and not being successful we apologise and hope you will still attend and enjoy the service of carols and lessons outside the church, followed by the mulled wine and mince pies for everyone.


Euan Kelway-Bamber

Chairman, Penterry Church Committee.